Tuesday, July 30, 2013



A successful person is….

A person sets attainable goals and accomplishes them with a positive attitude. When a person wakes up every day and wake up each day eager to work in your career. Your mood in the morning and the thoughts you wake up each day are what set your actions and habits to accomplish your goals. You have to be a realistic person

A person that uses his or her skills, intellect and potential in to the fullest and never giving the minimum is what I define a successful person.  Your internal passion allows is your internal drive to continue and never quit even though obstacles exist during your path to become successful.

A successful person is a person that makes a living not necessarily become a millionaire but a person that makes enough money to survive and all the others that depend on them. Someone who can provide the basics food, shelter, and clothing for himself and their dependents in a responsible manner and maintain it.

What can help you succeed in your community?

My family has been supporting me in returning to school especially my husband. My father has always believed that I am just wasting time and not serious about going to school. He laughs and makes comments but he does not realize that it takes time with three kids and having to work to make things possible for us. My mother is a smart woman who came to this country with no English language and now she has a position in UC Berkeley as an analyzer at the chancellor’s office. She believes hard work and experience and faith in God is what has gotten her where she is. She has been a great role model for me however at times it feels like she is more interested in her own self accomplishments with little faith in her daughter.

When I began working I also began to become involved in my church and activities. I started to participate in the Spanish choir mass and teach catechism for the 1st year students who were going to make their 1st communion. I enjoyed working with my community and growing spiritually however the politics scared me away and I began to focus on my education. I need to focus on completing my classes and not get too involved with church activities.

About 5 years ago I had the opportunity to finish school and attain my goals as a speech pathologist however my internal insecurity is what my biggest obstacle to accomplish my goals was. Fear of success is the worst thing that can prevent you from attaining your goal and learning and accepting you have that fear is the only things that will allow you overcome the obstacle.


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