Thursday, July 18, 2013

Poverty and Passion are connected in so many different levels whether you are in the elite, rich, middle class, and poor.

I believe that a person that is poor and barely have enough food to survive they seem to be more humble and grateful because a loaf a bread and a drink of water may buy them another day to live. I think of the people in Somalia and other third world countries that their passion is to live with hope.......hoping some day they will be saved by hunger.

Children who are born poor and their parents can only buy them one toy and a child chooses one toy but helps that child identify himself or herself. Like a plane or a car those children grow up with passion to one day become a pilot or a car racer. These kids were not spoiled with many toys and many options that distracted them from focusing on one thing that can appreciate and work really hard for.

Rich people are passionate about materialistic things like houses, technology and clothes. Trapped in the "consumer economy" to working to pay for nice things however the children suffer from their parents absence in their lives. I think they focus on buying things and get distracted from other important things like having a nice family dinner.

The elite are too worried to think about others, their passion might be control and authority. They might have opportunities like horse back riding and playing golf all day but that is not the passion people can area attracted to come and see. That is not what makes them magnetic to other people, that is something they do for themselves. A selfish satisfaction that they can buy themselves.

I believe a materialistic poor person has a wealthier spiritual life and a materialist wealthy person is a person that may have a poor spirituality.  

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