Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Secret to live abundantly - Lilou interviewed by Pablo Arellano

Lilou Mace's testimony in how she felt when she lost her job and how she grew and realized that the material things were never enough really caught my attention in how we need to learn to connect to spirituality and be content.

As I questions myself and try to discover what I really want to do with myself I with returning to school and why I returned to school I learned I need to learn about myself and live with an open heart.

I choose this video because I believe this testimony has a lot to do with what we have been discussing in class in regards to money, materialism, the universe, our habits, awakenings, following your heart, being happy and become spiritual.

The part where she says that we need to be grateful and that is when true magic happens and when you create a bubble you do not become intimate. We need to love and the truth is that money can never bring it to us.

I have never read her books but her testimony in her journey in the "new earth, the way of being" is what is catching my attention. It sound's as is she is transforming herself from the younger culture to the older culture as it is described in the The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight.

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