Thursday, July 18, 2013

threats that I face to finish school

Being a mother of 3 little children of the ages of 4, 6, and 9. I have a lot of my time during the day used up by caring for my children by feeding them and making sure they get enough exercise during the day. I also try to sure they spend an hour or two at the library so when they go back to school they have not lost what they have learned the year before. I use to work full time but juggling three small children, taking care of my home and working full time was just to crazy for me to handle.

About a year and half a go I quit my job and decided to become a stay at home wife. I believed that I was going to be able to open a home daycare at home while I stayed with my children but I soon realized that job was not for me. I had plenty of work with my own children and making sure they were doing their job at school by understanding the material and not falling behind. This decision was easy for me to make because my current position at a dental office was not ideal for me and this position did not offer many benefits. At home I began to have a routine and soon realized I was getting bored.  

That is when I decided I needed to go back to school and get an AA and transfer to a 4 year college and get a career that would be able to give us an average pay and benefits. I plan to transfer to a speech pathology program so I can help people speak better.

So the simple fact that I have 3 small children that I need to care and provide for this is an obstacle for me to finish school because due to my husband not being able to get a descent job where we can afford to keep me at home I might have to return to work soon. He is a Marine Vet and also taking online courses for a bachelors however we have not had the best of luck with a stable career for him. Therefore our family income depends on my income.

We are currently renting a duplex my parents own and have the flexibility on pay however this had brought many problems.......this sometimes makes me feel I have been selfish in thinking I can return to school and need to return to work.....however my passion is to educate myself and get a degree so I can give more to my children.

Quitting my job has given limits on our lifestyles but I have also learned a lot about myself and my abilities. I have learned that I have a creative side I never developed because I was always too busy to work. I have learned to play a couple notes in my guitar, sew in an old singer machine, and remodel a thrashed garden. This has made me more self conscience of my potentials and abilities and motivated me to explore new things.

Another thing that makes me tempted to work and drop out of school is returning to my old lifestyle of spending. I miss splurging in make up, clothes, food and wine and sometimes random trips I love to make to southern and northern California. In addition to my old habits tempting me to drop out of school I have another major issue

My parents believe that I lost my chance in educating myself and obtaining a great career, they believe that because I have three kids I need to work and forget about school. Work Work and Work! I understand that work is important however I so not want to get old and become old and miserable. I believe we need to work in a career that is something you like to do. I think that if a person finds what makes them happy then they stay in that career longer and feel natural.

The biggest obstacle I have is to provide for my children. A roof over their head, food to survive, and making sure we have transportation to get to work and school. Everything else are problems I avoid that can distract me from achieving my academic goals.

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